Cake over Keto: Episode 14 - The ups, downs and doubts of recovery.
Believe me when I say, recovery looks different for everyone. And that in itself can make it scary; like you’re venturing alone on a treacherous journey, but you’re not quite sure where it will end. But you are not travelling alone and this episode proves this.
In my experience recovery can bring a fear of beginning and a fear going backwards. It can feel relentless and confusing, not being sure which is your own voice and which is the old diet voice or eating disorder voice popping up. You will likely doubt yourself and wonder if one more diet could be THE answer, just to get you in a better place so you can then start properly. Oh and there is no set timeframe, you should arrive by….I’m doing a crap job of selling this recovery aren’t I?!
But seriously, it’s worth every single, difficult step. In this episode, I share with you what recovery could look like and also what it’s not going to look like. I share the positives (yay!) and in the Pick n Mix, I give a bunch of tips that are perfect if you’re just starting or you’re already in recovery.
There is far too much stigma around eating problems so we need to talk about this – the ugly, the bad and the good! It’s time to get rid of the shame and blame.
Extra Resources
Pick N’ Mix Tips
Get yourself a journal
Buy a wheat bag that pops in the microwave to help soothe when you feel tension or your stomach feels uncomfortable
Talk to others. And you may need to remind people that just because you might look OK, it doesn’t mean that everything IS OK.
Have some go to mantras / supportive statements! Things to challenge that inner voice; ‘my weight doesn’t define me, I can do hard things, it’s okay to sit in the shit, I am enough’ Here’s a bumper load more you might find helpful:
Unpack your food rules, food fears and triggers. Turn to face them and break them. Don’t be afraid t ask for help with this.
Keep eating. Always. Eat enough and eat regularly. Even if you think you ate too much yesterday
Realise it’s going to be hard and uncomfortable. Sometimes we need to find a way to embrace the pain knowing on the other side it will be amazing! Involving others will help.
Remove emotion from the food – it really is just food. It’s OK to ask for help with this too.
Look for other non-diet and recovery podcasts; learn as much as you can. Find people to follow who provide reassurance and who don’t make you feel crap.
Surround yourself with the right people, those people who believe in you when you can’t believe in yourself!
Remember you deserve help. Learn to advocate for yourself and for support. It might feel uncomfortable but it’s worth pushing for.
Make lists of your reasons for getting well and keep them to hand.